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 Iran - Women and the Presidency in Iran
Women and the Presidency in Iran
From this article, not only the presidency of women has no conflicts with Sharia Laws, but according to article 115 of the constitution of the Islamic...
 Iran - Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
A pervasive perception in US policy circles and among US allies is that Iran seeks hegemony in the Middle East. Israel and other regional states often claim...
 Iran - UN’s 72nd anniversary celebrated in Tehran
UN’s 72nd anniversary celebrated in Tehran
The United Nations commemorated the anniversary of the ratification of the 1945 UN Charter on Tuesday, November 7, in Tehran, although the day is officially...
 Iran - U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
The recent U.S. unilateral financial sanctions are cutting off Iranian banks from the international banking system, thereby making import of medicine and...
 Iran - The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
Peace is a calm condition, without concern and cause worry, conflict and confrontation. Peace is deemed a universal ideal. Peace is one of the oldest ideals...
 Iran - The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
"That military operation had many long-term consequences. One of the most dangerous is a set of extreme legal opinions drafted during the Trump...
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