Specialised Education Course on the UN System and its Activities in Iran

News ID : #2386
Publish Date : 08/15/2018 17:16
View Count : 2047
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The first stage of the Specialised Education Course on the UN System and its Activities in Iran was held by UNA-Iran with the partnership of the ODVV ......

The first stage of the Specialised Education Course on the UN System and its Activities in Iran was held by UNA-Iran with the partnership of the ODVV on 13 August 2018 with the participation of 75 law and political science students.
With the utilization of the capacity and expertise of UNIC, UNODC, UNHCR, and UN-Habitat, the course was held with the aim of the participants getting a deeper knowledge of the theoretic, goals, activities, achievements, capacities of UN Agencies in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
It must be said that one of the benefits of this course is the presence of experts from management and top experts of UN Agencies in Iran, and also the presentation of international certificates of attendance with the joint signatures of UNIC, UNA-Iran and the ODVV to the participants.



“ Specialised Education Course on the UN System and its Activities in Iran ”