The ODVV Presences in the IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium and General...

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Publish Date : 12/10/2016 16:54
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The ODVV Presences in the IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium and General Assembly

The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) Scientific Symposium which was the first global event to look in detail accords disciplines at how to deliver on the promise of the right to rehabilitation for torture victims as set out in the UN Convention against Torture was held from 5-7 December 2016 in Mexico City.
Bringing together the global rehabilitation movement for the first time in 10 years, the event was a unique opportunity for service providers, clinicians, human rights defenders, researchers, lawyers, funders and policy-makers to come together to exchange experiences and research on developments in the rehabilitation of survivors of torture.
During the three-day event, presentations were covered more than 100 topics connected to delivering on the promise of the right to rehabilitation. These include many different topics and issues such as the refugee transit camps of southern Europe and elsewhere, the plight of Central American migrants, and a trio of talks on the US detention center opened in 2006 at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
As scheduled after the symposium the IRCT General Assembly which is a fundamental platform that further solidifies the democratic nature of the IRCT, was held in the same place on 8-9 December 2016.
At that time, there was also a meeting of the newly elected Council, as well as the election of the new Executive Committee took place and new EXCOM members elected by the Council members.
All IRCT member centers across the globe including the ODVV have been invited for both events. The IRCT embraces 152 rehabilitation centers from 74 countries, representing an international movement against torture and for victims of torture.

“ The ODVV Presences in the IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium and General Assembly ”