With the presence of some 15,000 nuclear weapons on earth, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres urged all States to intensify their efforts in the shared pursuit of a...
Unilateral coercive measures are contrary to international documents including UN General Assembly Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation...
ODVV’s recommendations to the Swedish government in the 3rd round of the UPR of the human rights situation, combating Islamophobia, cutting military cooperation with Abu Dhabi and Riyadh
Right to education and right to development have been the focus of ODVV activities at international and domestic levels. The ODVV offered the Ministry Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran with...
Regarding the outbreak of Covid-19, the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, has provided some recommendations to the Interior Minister of I.R.Iran related to refugees and foreign...
Right to health is one of the most important examples of human rights. Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for...
The 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council took place from 19 June to 14 July 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. Just as in the past sessions, the ODVV took part in this session.
Like the previous years, Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) is participating in the current session of the Human Rights Council aiming to take a part in promoting the culture of...
The actions of a number of Islamist extremists in the terror attacks against Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in Paris and the behaviour of the magazine in insulting God's prophets,...
Former Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories on the side event of the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
According to the ODVV public relations 24 NGOs participated in this report which has been prepared and published at the sae time as the UPR on the United States
The ODVV participated in and presented its activities products and reports in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Services towards the Empowerment of Refugees for their Sustainable Repatriation and...
Child causality figures have been alarmingly high in recent conflicts. Israel's targeting of residential buildings has made women and children more vulnerable to death and injury in the armed...
With the aim of increasing capacities of NGOs for further participation and effectiveness in international conferences, the ODVV is holding the Practical Guidelines for Acquiring Consultative...