Iran Review: In continuation of Manama’s policy of revoking citizenship of its political opponents, the Kingdom of Bahrain announced last Monday, June 20 2016 that it has revoked citizenship of the...
A United Nations human rights expert has called on the Security Council and the General Assembly to explore effective diplomatic and political measures to ensure Israeli compliance with Security...
Amnesty: You’re not given any way to prove who you are or where you’re from, which restricts your ability to gain full citizenship status. Wherever you try to find refuge you’re locked up in...
Vice President for Parliamentary Affairs Majid Ansari said on Friday, 27 January, the Rouhani administration has introduced two bills to the parliament so far, each guaranteeing an article of the...
The delegations of Russia, Turkey and Iran as well as United Nations representatives held their first meeting yesterday to discuss the establishment of a ceasefire implementation regime in Syria...
Warplanes from a Saudi-led coalition attacked targets in Sana’a at dawn on Sunday (23 October 2016), hours after a three-day truce in Yemen's war expired, residents in the capital said.
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCM)s: Sanctions have the most impact on vulnerable groups and delivery of humanitarian aid
Saudi Arabia must stop using its anti-terror law to violate the right to free speech of its people, and end the use of torture terrorist suspects during investigations, a United Nations human...
Human rights activists in Saudi Arabia are an endangered species. One by one they are vanishing – prosecuted, jailed, intimidated into silence or forced into exile
The rise in death sentences against Saudi Arabian Shia is alarming and suggests that the authorities are using the death penalty to settle scores and crush dissent under the guise of combating...
Saudi authorities should ensure a fair trial for the Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, Human Rights Watch said today. Criminal justice authorities should make sure he gets immediate access to adequate...
The Saudi Arabian government is employing the death penalty as a political weapon to silence dissent, said Amnesty International, following the execution of four Shi’a men in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern...
Saudi Arabia should immediately abandon all use of cluster munitions, destroy its stockpile and accede to the international Convention on Cluster Munitions, Amnesty International said after the...
In the last week Saudi Arabian authorities have intensified their crackdown on freedom of expression, detaining more than 20 prominent religious figures, writers, journalists, academics and...
Fighter jets from a Saudi-led military coalition repeatedly bombed a crowded reception hall in Sana where mourners were gathered after a funeral on Saturday, killing more than 100 people and...
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The majority of deaths from Yemen's cholera outbreak have occurred in rebel-controlled areas cut off from supplies due to airstrikes and blockades by a...