Early cancer diagnosis saves lives and cuts treatment costs, the United Nations health agency said, particularly in developing countries where the majority of cancer cases are diagnosed too late.
Recurrent periods of suffocating dust storms, lately accompanied by crippling power and water supply cuts, have provoked public protests in the city of Ahwaz, southwestern province of Khuzestan.
The Presidential Deputy on Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, deemed the fight against violence against women a universal responsibility and stressed that the home is not the castle...
Dark days lie ahead for everybody who cares about human rights, and especially for refugees, but the huge civic opposition and legal challenges we are already seeing show that there is light still....
Iran’s Department of Environment will rank environmentally friendly universities based on international standards in the next Iranian calendar year, starting on March 21.
Though there are significantly fewer reports of violence in some parts of Syria, the consequences of the conflict continue to devastate lives, the top United Nations relief official said on May...
In a message to an event spotlighting the growing challenges of anti-Muslim discrimination as well as hatred in various contexts, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres appealed today...
Regarding the latest situation of the legislation of the launching of juvenile police unit, the judicial deputy of the director general of public and revolutionary courts of Tehran, Ghavam Forouzan...
20,700 people have been displaced since the operation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from terrorists started on 17 October, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said, estimating that...
Millions of people are facing the peril of famine in Somalia and South Sudan, and the situation is expected to worsen as the drought and violence fuelling the crises widen, cautioned senior United...
In this visit of the directors of the Beghoff Foundation, the basis of cooperation and partnership on subjects of interest were discussed and reviewed.
Dwindling resources could severely jeopardize efforts to provide refugees and displaced persons across the Middle East with essential winter supplies such as thermal blankets and warm clothing, the...
In spite of improvements in wheat production in war-torn Syria – about 12 per cent more than last year's record low – the overall food security situation remains far worse than before the conflict,...
The benefits of Myanmar's economic growth, reform and reconciliation efforts have not yet reached children in the country's remote, conflict-affected areas, leaving an estimated 2.2 million...
An independent United Nations human rights expert today warned that financial institutions and real estate companies involved with housing settlements in occupied Palestinian territory – which are...
Describing the situation in Yemen as “very bleak,” with “no end in sight,” a senior United Nations official envoy said the war-torn country, already reeling from malnutrition and dwindling health...
The military campaign to oust Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) terrorists from Iraq is nearly won, but the humanitarian crisis is expected to continue for months, if not years,...