News List

Page 35 of 36 | Total Records : 713 | 680 - 700
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  - 3 embassies around Plasco bldg. safe, secure
3 embassies around Plasco bldg. safe, secure
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi said since the beginning of Tehran Plasco building's fire and eventual collapse, all necessary measures had been taken for security and safety of the...
  - 24-7 program reduces heart disease deaths
24-7 program reduces heart disease deaths
A heart care program, dubbed 24-7, which is being conducted within the framework of a national document to curb non-communicable diseases in Iran has reduced deaths caused by heart attacks, deputy...
  - 2.85 Percent Growth in the Literacy Index in Iran
2.85 Percent Growth in the Literacy Index in Iran
The director of the Literacy Movement Organization of the country said: “from 2011 to 2016, the literacy index of the country has grown by 2.85 percent, while the growth level of this index for the...
  - ‘Staggering’ civilian death toll in Iraq
‘Staggering’ civilian death toll in Iraq
A United Nations report released today details the severe and extensive impact on civilians of the ongoing conflict in Iraq, with at least 18,802 civilians killed and another 36,245 wounded between...
Page 35 of 36 | Total Records : 713 | 680 - 700