
ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks
The Friday night terror attacks carried out in Paris resulted in the death and injury of over 300 people, and once again showed the urgency for the multilateral fight against extremism and...

ODVV Statement on 8th session of the Forum on Minority Issues
ODVV Statement on 8th session of the Forum on Minority Issues

Condemnation of Terror Attack against the Seyed-ol-Shohada School in Kabul
Sadly we heard the news that on 8 May that in a terror attack against Seyed-ol-Shohada girls school in the western district of Kabul more than 85 people were killed and 147 left injured. Most of...

“Unilateral Coercive Measures as an Instrument of Economic Terrorism” Exhibit Held
On the sidelines of the International Unilateralism Conference, ODVV held an exhibit entitled Unilateral Coercive Measures as an Instrument of Economic Terrorism.