News List

Page 14 of 36 | Total Records : 713 | 260 - 280
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  - Sanctions Research Platform
Sanctions Research Platform
The UN Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures, Alena Douhan, has launch the Sanctions Research Platform
  - Rouhani pushing ahead with milestone rights bill
Rouhani pushing ahead with milestone rights bill
Vice President for Parliamentary Affairs Majid Ansari said on Friday, 27 January, the Rouhani administration has introduced two bills to the parliament so far, each guaranteeing an article of the...
  - Revocation of Citizenship, both Tactic and Strategy
Revocation of Citizenship, both Tactic and Strategy
Iran Review: In continuation of Manama’s policy of revoking citizenship of its political opponents, the Kingdom of Bahrain announced last Monday, June 20 2016 that it has revoked citizenship of the...
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