The technical sitting on the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of innocent children victims of aggression is being held on Sunday 7 June in the conference hall of the ODVV.
Following a statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the cooperation of all countries in the fight against the Corona virus, the Organization for Defending Victims of...
The only world that is safe from the use of nuclear weapons is a world that is completely free of them, Secretary-General António Guterres said as the United Nations marked the International Day...
This project which was implemented with the cooperation of the ODVV, BAFIA and UNHCR and had began in March 2013 finished in December with the presentation of the final report.
The Presidential Deputy on Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi said: “our main objective in the country’s five year plan is the realisation of gender justice, and we are pursuing...
Shiites are one of the largest religious minorities in the world, which have been far from achieving their legal and certain rights in some countries. Although Shiites have had a peaceful...
The Women’s Affairs Director General of the Education and Training Ministry said: “2.5 Thousand Girl Students at Basic Education Levels to the Education Cycle.”
On the orders of the custodian of the Research and Technology Ministry, the second edit of the Student’s Rights Charter was place in the working agenda of the Ministry for publication and...
The 28th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is taking place on 2-27 March 2015, at Room XX, Geneva, Palais des Nations. In a reaction to Ahmed Shaheed’s report on the...
The final statement of Iranian friendship associations with other countries and international NGOs in support of the people of Gaza was read by the director of the ODVV. According to ODVV public...
The Saudi Air Force is being trained by the British Government amid accusations that it is carrying out atrocities in neighbouring Yemen, it has emerged.
Expressing shock at the scale of the devastation in war-ravaged city of Aleppo, the top United Nations refugee official today made an impassioned plea for the world to stand in solidarity with...
The top United Nations humanitarian official in Iraq has warned against the consequences of displacement as thousands of civilians are expected to flee from Tal Afar and surrounding communities...
Nearly 3,000 migrants were rescued trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, according to the United Nations migration agency, which also reported that more than a dozen rescue operations were under...
Iran marked the Erath Day 2017 in a ceremony held at the Department of Environment here on Sunday, 23 April, with the national theme of “together towards clean Earth”.
The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the head of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have called for seeing the world through the prism of “we the peoples” and to...
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned that one year after the Balkan border closures and the European Union-Turkey Statement, which were aimed at stopping mass migration flows, refugee...
Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Sunday the order by President Donald Trump in suspending visa for seven Muslim countries including Iran proves “spirit of racism” in the United States.