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ODVV Statement for World Environment Day
ODVV Statement for World Environment Day
World Environment Day is a day which has been named by the United Nations to raise public awareness of the protection and preservation of the environment, and encourage politicians to make...
ODVV Statement on Human Rights’ Day
ODVV Statement on Human Rights’ Day
The United Nations General Assembly, adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the aim of establishing and guaranteeing equal rights and freedoms for all, on this day, 70 years ago....
ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks
ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks
The Friday night terror attacks carried out in Paris resulted in the death and injury of over 300 people, and once again showed the urgency for the multilateral fight against extremism and...
ODVV Statement on the United Nations Day
ODVV Statement on the United Nations Day
The 24th of October 1945 is the day the UN Charter was implemented and the start of the work of the United Nations which replaced the failed League of Nations.
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