In continuation of its international activities the representatives of the ODVV participated in the 26th Session of the Human Rights Council, and the UNHCR Annual NGOs Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.
According to the ODVV public relations the representatives of the Organization are in Geneva attending the 22nd Session of the Human Rights Counci.....
In continuation of its trend in holding sidelines scientific panels during Human Rights Council sessions, the ODVV is intending to hold two panels on Islamophobia and Violation of Human Rights, and...
The recent attacks by the militant group Boko Haram in Nigeria have both violated the right to education and gender equality of Nigerian schoolgirls, and also angered the Islamic world because of...
Following the UN Secretary General’s appeal for an immediate global ceasefire, the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) encourages all parties to agree with the initiative of Truce...
September this year has seen a rise in sectarian violence and terror attacks around the world, the Middle East and Africa in particular. We witnessed deadly terror attacks against Christian and...
The Public Relations Department of the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence released an official statement today condemning the senseless killing of innocent civilians in a terrorist...
The Technical Sitting on the Evaluation of the Functionality of the UN in the Prevention of Human Rights Violations with a stress on Israel and Saudi Arabia will be held by the ODVV.
With the aim of increasing capacities of NGOs for further participation and effectiveness in international conferences, the ODVV is holding the Practical Guidelines for Acquiring Consultative...
Child causality figures have been alarmingly high in recent conflicts. Israel's targeting of residential buildings has made women and children more vulnerable to death and injury in the armed...
The ODVV participated in and presented its activities products and reports in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Services towards the Empowerment of Refugees for their Sustainable Repatriation and...
According to the ODVV public relations 24 NGOs participated in this report which has been prepared and published at the sae time as the UPR on the United States