News List

Page 31 of 36 | Total Records : 713 | 600 - 620
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  - Commemoration of Human Rights Day
Commemoration of Human Rights Day
human rights activists, scholars, researchers, lawyers, government officials, university professors and students gathered at the Islamic Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2015
  - Citizen’s Rights Curriculum for Universities
Citizen’s Rights Curriculum for Universities
President’s special assistant on citizen’s rights gave news of the drafting of a comprehensive plan on citizen’s rights in 14 indicators and said: the provincial programme of the Charter will also...
  - Call for Short Essays on the Recent Conflict in Gaza
Call for Short Essays on the Recent Conflict in Gaza
The United Nations Association of Iran, together with the Organisation for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) kindly invites enthusiastic law scholars, academicians, researchers, and law students...
Page 31 of 36 | Total Records : 713 | 600 - 620